Guide on how to see the direction of the apartment

Guide on how to see the direction of the apartment

One of the biggest concerns when buying from families, is how to see the direction of the apartment ? Some people see the direction of the apartment based on the direction of the building, some people see the balcony direction, some people see the main door. So let's see what direction the apartment is right, let's find out within the scope of this article.

Which direction is the apartment building?

To get the correct answer, which direction is the direction of the apartment building, you need to analyze and grasp the current concept of apartment direction. From there, there are grounds to determine the exact direction of the apartment.
See the direction of the apartment, should you see the main door or the balcony?
1. The direction of the apartment building is the main door direction

There is a view that the direction of the apartment building is to enjoy the main door, like the direction of the buildings on the ground. According to feng shui, the nature of the direction of the house is the place to charge the house with air, this gas is created by the movement and interaction of people with the house, not the elements of natural sunlight or wind. .

The direction of the main door is considered a determining factor because the house can only live and live when there is a main door, everyday people still maintain their life activities when going through the door. Therefore, the concept that the main door is the direction of the house is not too strange. From the ground floor to the apartment building, many people still strictly adhere to the principle, see the direction of the apartment building , based on the direction of the main door of the house.

Many feng shui experts assert that choosing a house in the direction of the new door is in accordance with feng shui principles, while the direction of the balcony does not determine whether the apartment is suitable for the owner or not.

This concept is convincingly applied to houses on the ground, but when applied to the selection of the direction of the apartment, many families disagree with this idea.
The direction of the apartment is chosen according to the spiritual point of view of each owner
2. The direction of the apartment building is the balcony direction

In fact, the apartment door is often sealed, while the front of the living room with the balcony is the place to receive a lot of natural gas and earth air and is also the best direction for the apartment.

For those who support the concept that the balcony direction is the direction of the apartment, they affirm that when determining the main direction of the house, the natural and the earth-qi are important. Heaven and Earth Qi are inherently difficult to feel, less affected by the subjective thoughts of people, but can be based on feng shui science and measurement machines.

Practical experience shows that, in feng shui, the best place to receive air for an apartment is the one that receives the most light. In fact, the living room is usually located near the balcony, bringing in a good magnetic field. Therefore, when choosing the direction of the apartment, it is necessary to prioritize the balcony near the living room and the opposite part of the apartment as the central coordinates to determine. Because the balcony is a place that receives a lot of wind and light, communicates with the outside environment, is a place to conduct air, generate gas and circulate air. This makes the interior design of the apartment more convenient and easier.
Looking at the direction of the apartment building, you need to pay attention to many factors

From the above analysis, it can be confirmed that the direction of the apartment building should be based on the direction of the main balcony, not on the direction of the apartment door. However, in reality today, some people still choose the direction of the apartment in the direction of the main door, some people choose the direction of the apartment in the direction of the balcony. From this we can draw the following conclusions:

First: choose the direction of the house in the direction of the main door of the apartment. The main door is where the energy flows for the family will be charged, so choose the apartment so that the main door direction coincides with the good direction of the owner.

Second: choose the direction of the house in the direction of the balcony, or the area with the widest view of the apartment. Because the area that receives the most sunlight and wind of the apartment is the area that will be mainly charged with air, it should be chosen as the main direction of the house.
What should you pay attention to when looking at the direction of the apartment building according to the balcony?

First: Avoid the main door facing the balcony door, it will make fortune lost

Second: Avoid windows, balcony doors in rooms in the West, because the sun will shine in and the sun is hot

Third: Avoid windows and balcony doors that open too close to the building next door, especially the house with the door on the opposite side of the building.
The feng shui experience when buying an apartment should not be ignored
1. Do not choose an apartment with a corridor looking directly into the house

If from the hallway of the building straight to the door to the apartment, seeing the living room is considered a taboo, will cause loss of fortune, bringing a sense of insecurity to the owner.
2. Do not choose an apartment with a lot of harsh sunlight shining in

If the bedroom has a window facing the bright sunlight, this will be detrimental to the homeowner. In case the window of the apartment faces the sun, it is recommended to use a tilting shutter system or smart curtain to limit the impact of sunlight. Smart apartment interior design with sunshade curtain system has always received a lot of attention from families.
Choosing an apartment to avoid taboos will bring you good luck and fortune
3. Do not choose an apartment with window direction, balcony door facing West

With houses facing the West, it will make the sun shine directly into the house and inconvenient for living. To avoid this drawback, we advise you to choose apartments with windows and balconies that do not face west.
4. Do not choose an apartment with a window opposite the house next door

The window facing the house next door is an important way to see the house direction that everyone needs to keep in mind when choosing an apartment. The apartment window facing the house next door will cause a lot of inconvenience. Especially when you open the window, you will see the house next door and the house next door can see your house, creating inconveniences in daily life. On the other hand, according to feng shui, having a house window facing another house will cause a loss of fortune.
5. Do not choose apartments with sharp corners of other buildings projecting into your apartment

Avoid sharp corners in other constructions that shine directly into your apartment, currently few people pay attention. However, if you don't pay attention, it will cause disadvantages to the house and the family's living space in the future such as scattered fortunes, declining health.
6. Should choose apartments with spacious roads

Minh Duong is a large area of ​​land, or a large yard in front of the alley of each house. From ancient times, his father knew the necessity of the transparent element of each apartment. The street is a particularly important part of the house, with the apartment complex, the street is the space in front of the apartment building. This smart area can be used for planting trees, used as a park or a lake, creating an amusement and entertainment area and a campus for the building.
Choose an apartment with a spacious campus to receive vitality
7. Do not choose an apartment with a toilet right at the door

This feng shui error is considered a great taboo, because when placing the toilet right at the door, it means that when you open the door, you will immediately see the toilet, because the toilet is a place to accumulate unclean air, making The apartment feels heavy.
8. Do not choose apartments with a toilet opposite the bed

Many apartments are designed to integrate the toilet into the bedroom, to save the overall space and create convenience for living. However, if the toilet door is designed to face the bed, it will cause bad effects for the occupants.

Looking at the direction of the apartment building , you should not ignore the above factors, if you want to have a scientific and feng shui living space, I think you should strictly follow the principles that we have just presented above.

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