Guide choose fresh, safe, and sweet cauliflower

Guide choose fresh, safe, and sweet cauliflower

Today we will suggest you how to choose, buy, preserve and process broccoli into many delicious dishes so that you can immediately apply it for yourself. Good luck!

This type of food contains extremely high fiber, vitamins and many valuable and essential minerals for the human body, so it can be used to process many delicious dishes.
firstNutritional value and effects of cauliflower
Nutritional value of cauliflower

Cauliflower is a food rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the body such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. In 91g of cauliflower contains nutrients such as:Calories: 31
Water: 89%
Protein : 2.5 grams
Carbohydrates: 6 grams
Sugar: 1.5 grams
Fiber : 2.4 grams
Fat : 0.4 grams
Vitamin C: 135% RDI
Vitamin A: 11% RDI
Vitamin K : 116% RDI
Vitamin B9 (Folate): 14% RDI
Kali : 8% RDI
Phosphorus : 6% RDI
Selenium : 3% RDI

Nutritional value of broccoli
Health benefits of cauliflower

Eliminate toxins in the body

Cauliflower contains extremely high amounts of fiber like other vegetables. High fiber helps the liver eliminate toxic substances through the excretory system. The addition of cauliflower in the daily menu helps to purify the body extremely effectively.

Improve immune system

In cauliflower contains a large amount of folate and vitamin C, these are substances that play an important role in the process of increasing the body's resistance and immune system. If you have a strong immune system, you can avoid common illnesses such as cough, runny nose, ...

Improve immune system

Support weight loss

In 91g of cauliflower contains about 31 calories, this is an extremely low number of calories. In addition to being rich in fiber, this vegetable contains almost no fat. So, if you are in the process of losing weight, do not skip this food.

Good for people with blood pressure

The sulforaphane in cauliflower has the effect of enhancing DNA methylation, thereby promoting cell activity and balancing blood pressure. The magnesium, potassium and phosphorus content in cauliflower also helps regulate blood pressure in the body itself.

Good for people with blood pressure

Reduce the risk of cancer

In cauliflower contains an antioxidant called indole-3-carbinol, also known as I3C. This substance helps reduce the risk of breast cancer and diseases related to the reproductive organs of men and women, In addition, cauliflower also helps prevent cancer of the liver, lung, stomach and colon.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Protect eyes

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, which protects the fragile tissues in the retina from oxidative stress. This prevents the risk of cataracts, blindness or macular degeneration...
2How to choose fresh, safe, and sweet cauliflower
Choose according to the season

To ensure the highest quality, all types of cauliflower should be harvested in the right season, but white and green cauliflower are harvested at different times.Cauliflower is mainly harvested from mid-December to mid-April.
The best time to harvest broccoli is from the end of July to the end of October every year.
Choose by color

Color is a very simple way to tell if cauliflower is fresh or not. You should choose flowers with bright, even colors. For cauliflower, choose bright white flowers. Like broccoli, the darker the color and sweeter the flavor, the softer the cauliflower. Do not buy cauliflower with spots, patchy, uneven, especially yellow flowers.

You should choose flowers with bright, even colors
Choose by shape and size

Cauliflower is round in shape, with a raised central surface, a short distance between each branch, a tight surface and, preferably, no slits. Choose cauliflower flowers that are intact, not cracked, insect bites, bruised, damaged.

In addition, you should choose flowers that are compact, firm in your hand, fresh petioles, not wilted. The weight should match the shape of the cauliflower.
Based on hardness

Gently touch the surface of the cauliflower with your hand. If it's firm, crunchy to some extent, not mushy and soft, it's fresh and you can buy it. When shopping, avoid buying those with soft stems and wilted leaves.

Choose cauliflower that is firm, crunchy to some extent
Choose a reputable seller

To be able to buy delicious fresh broccoli, first of all, you need to choose for yourself a reputable and quality purchase place.

The broccoli that you choose to buy must have a clear origin, without using growth agents or preservatives. In addition, you can choose to buy directly from the grower, supermarket, vegetable store, or buy online at a reputable e-commerce site like

Choose to buy at a reputable, quality shopping place
3Note when eating cauliflower and how to preserve cauliflower

Note when eating cauliflower

The moldy part of cauliflower you absolutely must not eat because this is the part that will be harmful and make the body poison. In addition , the tiny flowers should not be yellow, because at that time the cauliflower is beginning to decompose.

When cooking, do not boil the cauliflower too soft or mushy because it will lose all nutrients. Cooking for too long will also reduce the effectiveness of cancer-preventing substances.

People who should not eat too much cauliflower are pregnant women in the early stages, people with stomach pain, people with gout. The nutrients in cauliflower can cause side effects or make the condition worse.

Note when eating cauliflower

How to store cauliflower?

After choosing to buy fresh and safe cauliflowers for health, the stage of preserving them is also quite important.

Cauliflower should not be stored for too long and should be processed immediately after purchase so that the dish from this food has a more delicious, naturally sweet taste. If you want to store broccoli for a few more days, put them in a sealed plastic bag, seal the mouth and put in the refrigerator to preserve.

When you want to use it, you just need to take it out, wash it and process it right away. However, you should not store broccoli for too long because it will lose their nutrients!
4Delicious dishes made from cauliflower

Sauteed Cauliflower with Garlic

With this type of food, after preliminary processing, you can stir-fry garlic to keep the crispy, chewy and natural sweetness of cauliflower. With a very simple way to make, you have a delicious and nutritious dish for the family. In addition, you can also stir-fry with beef which is also very delicious. Try it now!

Sauteed Cauliflower with Garlic

Stir-fried Cauliflower with Pork

Cauliflower is a food rich in healthy nutrients and high in vitamins. Cauliflower combined with pork helps to create a nutritious and easy-to-make dish for the whole family. Cauliflower after stir-frying still retains its crispiness, while the tender pork is extremely delicious. If you don't know what to cook for the whole family, you can refer to this nutritious dish!

Stir-fried Cauliflower with Pork

Fresh squid porridge with cauliflower

If you are looking for a healthy porridge for the whole family, fresh squid porridge with cauliflower is a suggestion that you should not miss. With a simple, uncomplicated cooking method, you have a delicious and nutritious dish for the whole family.

Fresh squid porridge with cauliflower

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